The Joint Entrance Examination (Main) - 2024 is important for candidates who pursue higher education in engineering. For having a smooth and fair examination process, the National Testing Agency (NTA) has released a guidelines and instructions for candidates appearing in the exam.National Testing Agency (NTA) has released e-Admit Cards for JEE (Main) 2024 Examination and also we will explain you about reporting at examination centers, prohibited practices, and consequences of unfair means. NTA also told candidates to follow strictly to these guidelines during the exams.For downloding Admit Card or more information read down below.
What is the Dates of Examination for NTA JEE Mains,2024?
Session 1: 24 January to 01 February, 2024
Session 2: 01 April, 2024 to 15 April, 2024
Paper 1(B.E./B. Tech) : 04, 05, 06, 08 and 09 April 2024
Paper 2A (B. Arch), Paper 2B (B. Planning) and Paper 2A & 2B
(B. Arch & B. Planning both) : 12 April 2024
Note : "Exact date, shift, and city of examination for Paper 1: B.E./B. Tech and Paper 2A: B. Arch and Paper 2B: B. Planning will be made available to the Candidates on their Admit Cards".
NTA JEE Mains,2024 e-Admit Card:
Student's can download their e-Admit Card from official NTA website ( or given direct link below. Respected candidates downloaded their Admit Cards from the NTA website, where candidates can find the examination center, date, and shift/timing for their respective exam.
Steps for downloading admit card:
- Click given link below.
- Then enter given options (Application no. , Date of birth, Corse, CAPTCHA).
- Click "Submit" button.
- Admit Card will be displayed or downloaded.
Some important links :
Download Admit-card | Click here>> |
Check for exam city | Click here>> |
Download Admit-card Notifications | |
Official Notification | |
Official website JEE NTA | Click here>> |
Sarkari Results Wiz | Click here>> |
India news- In Bulletin | click here>> |
Tables of Contents :-
What is the Mode of Examination?
PAPER : | Mode: |
Paper 1:B.E./B.Tech | “Computer Based Test (CBT)” mode only |
Paper 2A:B.Arch. | Part-I: Mathematics and Part-II: Aptitude Test in Computer Based Test( CBT) mode only Part-III: Drawing Test in “Pen and Paper”(offline) mode, to be attempted on the Drawing sheet of A4 size. |
Paper 2B:B. Planning | Part-I: Mathematics Part-II: Aptitude Test, and Part-III: Planning Based MCQs in “Computer Based Test (CBT)”mode only |
Marking Scheme for NTA JEE Mains,2024:
Correct Answer : Four marks (+4)
Incorrect Answer :Minus one mark (-1)
Unanswered /Marked for Review :No mark (0)
Duration of NTA JEE Mains,2024 test :
Paper 1 (B.E./B.Tech.)
Subjects :
Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics
Total Time Duration:
For Non-PwD Candidates : 03 hours
For PwD Candidates : 04 hours
Paper 2A (B.Arch) Only
Subjects :
Mathematics, Aptitude Test, and Drawing Test
Total Time Duration:
For Non-PwD Candidates : 03 hours
For PwD Candidates : 04 hours
Paper 2B (B.Planning) Only
Subjects :
Mathematics, Aptitude Test, and Planning Based Questions
Total Time Duration:
For Non-PwD Candidates : 03 hours
For PwD Candidates : 04 hours
Paper 2A (B.Arch) and Paper 2B (B.Planning) both
Subjects :
Mathematics, Aptitude Test, Drawing Test, and Planning Based
Total Time Duration:
For Non-PwD Candidates : 03 hours
For PwD Candidates : 04 hours
"Note: - Compensatory time for PwD Candidates is 20 minutes for one-hour examination"
Some important instructions
Reporting at Examination Center:
Candidates are advised to reach examination centre(mentioned in admit-card) in advance, at least 2 hours. It is because to not missing any important instructions announced in the examination hall. "The NTA shall not be responsible for any delay" said by NTA.
Entry in the Examination centre :
First shift - 07.00 A.M.. to 08.30 A.M.
Second shift-01.00 P.M. to 02.30 P.M.
Instructions by the Invigilator(s) :
First shift - 08.30 A.M. to 08.50 A.M.
Second shift -02.30 P.M. to 02.50 P.M.
Candidates log in to read instructions :
First shift. - 08.50 A.M.
Second shift - 02.50 P.M.
Test starts :
First shift. - 09.00 A.M.
Second shift - 03.00 P.M.
Note: The duration of examination for both B.Arch. and B.Planning is 3½ hrs.
Verification of Identity at exam center:
Upon arrival at the examination center, candidates must present their Admit Card downloaded from the NTA website for entering the examination hall. Test center staff are their to verify candidates identities,candidates must cooperate fully with the verification process.
"Those without valid Admit Cards and authorized photo IDs will not be permitted to take the examination under any circumstances".
What are the seating arrangements in exam center?
All candidate are allotted a designated seat indicated by their roll number. It is mandatory for candidates to occupy the seat allocated to them.
Documentation Requirements at exam center:
On the day of the examination, candidates must bring the following documents to the test center:
- Print copy of Admit Card along with Self Declaration (Undertaking) downloaded from the NTA Website (print out in A4 size paper).
- One passport size photograph for pasting on the Attendance Sheet at the center.
- Any one of the authorized photo IDs (original, valid, and non-expired).
- PwD certificate issued by an authorized medical officer (if applicable).
- A simple transparent Ball Point Pen.
How to do Rough Work in exam center?
Every type of calculation of rough work is done in Rough Sheet is being provided at Exam room/hall at examination centre. But candidates are required to hand their Rough Sheet to Invigilator on duty in the Room/Hall before leaving.
Unfair Means Practices:
The NTA strictly prohibits unfair means practices during the examination, which include but are not limited to:
- Possession of prohibited items or materials. ("stationery item, communication device, accessories, eatable items, ornaments, or any other material or information relevant or not relevant to the examination in the paper concerned").
- Impersonation or assisting others in malpractices.
- Breaching examination rules or directives issued by NTA(JEE Mains,2024).
- Attempting to communicate with unauthorized individuals during the exam.
- Threatening officials or candidates, and Forceful entry in /exit from Examination Centre/Hall.
- "Manipulating or fabricating online documents(Admit Card, Rank Letter, Self Declaration, etc)".
- Use of electronic devices or creating obstacles in the examination process.
Consequences of Unfair Means Practices:
Candidates found guilty of using unfair means practices will face severe consequences, including:
- Debarment from future examinations for a period of 3 years.
- Criminal action and/or any other action deemed fit by authorities.
- Cancellation of examination results.
- No appeals will be entertained in cases of unfair means practices.
To get ready for the upcoming exam, it's recommended to use the updated JEE Main Syllabus 2024 as your primary study guide. This year's syllabus features several changes, including the addition and removal of specific chapters. The NTA has released the JEE Main 2024 syllabus online, along with a fresh information booklet detailing all examination particulars.
Support for JEE Mains 2024 :
NTA Telephone Number: 0120-6895200
NTA Email ID:
NTA Helpline: 8178359845 | 8287471852 | 9650173668 | 9599676953 | 8287471852
In conclusion, candidates must adhere strictly to the guidelines and instructions provided by the NTA for the JEE (Main) - 2024 examination. Any deviation from these rules may result in serious consequences, including cancellation of results and future debarment from examinations. It is imperative for candidates to maintain integrity and honesty throughout the examination process to ensure a fair and transparent evaluation.